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Seasonal Work in Europe

What you need to know to ensure that your job search in Europe ends with decent earnings, not stress and shattered hopes? Over the last 10 years, the European Union has become not only a tourist haven but also a hub for labor activities for migrants.

Undoubtedly, the primary reason for the hype around job searching in the EU is the high wages. According to recent data from Eurostat, in July 2023, the minimum wage in EU countries ranged from 400 Euros/month in Bulgaria to 2508 Euros/month in Luxembourg. For comparison, in 2023, the minimum wage in Ukraine was 168 Euros, in Moldova – 209 Euros, and in Belarus – 208 Euros.

The Process of Job Hunting in the EU: A Step-by-Step Guide

Unlike the CIS countries, financial prosperity in Europe is not exclusive to highly qualified specialists. Even candidates without work experience, knowledge of a foreign language, and European education can experience financial well-being. This is a key factor attracting foreigners to work in Europe, increasing their numbers rapidly year by year.

Instructions for Those Seeking Employment in the EU

Many believe that finding a reliable foreign employment agency is sufficient to secure a job in Europe. However, to avoid scammers, job seekers should not shift the entire responsibility for the employment process onto online companies.

To provide basic competence in finding jobs in Europe, the company "WILS" has compiled an 8-step Guide for safe employment.

In the table below, we have provided examples of risks that highlight the importance of each step in the job selection process.

Choosing a company for employment:
A large number of companies in the labor market has become a favorable environment for fraud. The number of deceived applicants increases daily. Another problem is the emergence of numerous new firms with incompetent employees regarding legal employment matters.

Choosing a country for work:
It is necessary to carefully analyze the economic development and the standard of living in the country where you intend to work. Without giving it due consideration, there is a risk of choosing a country that is too expensive in relation to the level of your future salary.

Choosing a field of activity:
Reassessing or underestimating your abilities usually leads to choosing a job that does not match your individual skills, experience, physical health, and endurance. Changing jobs is not as easy a process as it may seem at first.

Choosing the season for traveling to work:
Choosing an unsuitable job for the season often leads to work downtime due to weather conditions. Going to work at the end of the season may not yield the expected earnings, and there is a risk of only covering travel, adaptation, and living expenses in a foreign country.

Document preparation:
Without checking the authenticity of documents, there is a risk of becoming illegally employed, often without even suspecting it. The outcome here is unfavorable – either a large fine or deportation.

Psychological readiness for working abroad:
Even a leading European country can be surprising in terms of culture, ways, cost, or the standard of living of the local population. New migrant workers often face the "expectation-reality" effect due to a lack of knowledge about the country they are migrating to or experience stress due to a lack of language proficiency.

Route planning to get to work:
Without accurate route planning, there is a risk of significantly overpaying for travel to the employer. Choosing the wrong route can also lead to being late for work, jeopardizing agreements with the employer.

Packing your suitcase:
The absence or excess of personal items can cause significant discomfort during your stay in a foreign country.

Despite the numerous risks associated with working in Europe, the employment process can be relatively easy if you collaborate with a competent company.

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We provide services in the field of individual selection of personnel of various levels.

Not only are we looking for employees for your business, we can also help with evaluation and testing.